The “Smith” Myth….


I remember when I was growing up, Smith was supposedly the most popular name in America…look up “Smith” in any city phone book at that time and there were thousands!! And over the years I have known a few Smiths…but I think I have known more Johnson’s, and Jackson’s, and Gonzales’s.

This is just my reality.

I believe the same holds true with America getting fatter. I know, I know…I talk about this a lot, but it is such an issue we are facing, I feel in my industry I need to. Some of us live in myopic worlds…on both sides. Some of us are surrounded by athletic people who eat well, stay in shape, and generally take care of their body. Others live in a world where you are surrounded by those who don’t go to the gym, eat fast food, and sit on the couch and watch TV.

And that is your reality.

But the true reality here is – there are Smith’s….a lot of them. And America IS getting fatter….quickly. And the only way this will ever change is to change people’s reality, one at a time. If you are surrounded by the athletic and health conscious…make an effort to bring others into “your reality.” And if you are in a world surrounded by obesity, seek out another reality and find those who are advocates of better health. Let me know if I can help you find your “Smith.”

Matt Jarvis
Strive Personal Fitness
Desire /// Aspire /// Achieve

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